4 Lies About Estate Planning
By Solid Serenity Legal Solutions

Estate planning is one of those items on our list of necessities that we gleefully resist and continue, time after time, to put off.
Often, our delay in finishing our plan, is the lies we have been told about the estate planning process. Today, we find the truth behind 4 lies about estate planning.
(1) Estate Planning is Expensive
Just like anything worth having, a proper estate plan that meets your family’s goals will cost money. But, having an estate plan saves you far more money than not having one.
A complete package with a Trust, Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney, and Advance Directives for Health Care usually run less than it would cost your family to take your estate through probate.
Proper plans can also protect vulnerable loved ones and your assets if your family needs that protection. What is it worth to you to know your loved ones are properly protected?
Book an appointment for your plan today.
(2) A Will Avoids Probate
Many people wrongly believe that having a Will for their family will protect their family from having to go through the probate court. Though a Will allows you to set out your wishes for your property when you die, the Will has to be interpreted and approved by the probate court after your death.
Probate is a costly procedure when the family agrees and gets along. Probate fees increase exponentially when the family doesn’t agree or get along.
(3) Only Rich People Need Estate Plans
Are you a parent? Do you own real estate? Are one of your heirs a person with special needs?
Are there specific items you want to go to specific people in your life? Would you like your spouse to inherit all your property when you die—or not? Is there a friend or charity you would like to leave something to when you die?
Are you over the age of 18?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need an estate plan. Estate planning includes planning for your assets after your death with tools like Wills and Trusts and planning for your own care if you cannot make decisions for yourself.
We never know when the day will come where we need someone else to step in and help us- even temporarily. So, though every adult’s situation may be different, every adult needs some form of estate plan.
Book now to find out how to meet your family’s goals.
(4) Setting Up An Estate Plan is Hard
Getting your plan and goals organized takes time and effort. But, it doesn’t have to be hard. An experienced attorney can help you put your plan into place with just a little time and organization on your part.
Call us to get started.